Sunday, March 29, 2015

Got to Begin Again

In the famous, well maybe not so famous, words of Billy Joel..."I've Got to Begin Again"
I would like to blog, but the thing is, I can't stay consistent enough with running to have consistent things to blog about.  Most people begin again with the new year in January, but me, I'm going to begin again this week during spring break.

After an emotional start to 2014 and an injury to round out the year, my running mojo has been on a year-long break.  So, while I am on spring break I am going to make my running mojo get back to work!  I have hired a running coach, and our starting date is April 1st.  Truth be told, she is a friend and fellow runner.  She is running her first Boston this year and she became a certified running coach last summer.  Although she qualified to run Boston, she is running for the Miles for Miracles team, and by donating to her fundraiser she is giving me 6 months of coaching!  I am officially beginning Wineglass Marathon training in 3 days!

I am nervous and excited.  Excited to have a goal (shiny new marathon PR, getting me closer to that elusive BQ), and nervous because I have severe consistency issues.  I have yet to properly train for a full marathon...I always lose steam, miss workouts, and run the marathon unprepared.  Hopefully with a coach, someone to answer to, I will be able to stay focused and do the work required to get a better time.  I'm gunning for a 4:30 (or better!)

Stay tuned, I'm going to check back in here (hopefully) to keep myself on track.

More to come, inspiration, faith and hope